Starting High School brought me many opportunities for extracurricular activities and it quickly became obvious that choices had to be made.  Even though I loved being the catcher on the local girls travel softball team, I had to make a decision to pursue my true passion –  singing!  I have been in choir since Junior High and have received first place awards in the State IMEA (Illinois Music Education Association) competetions for the past five years.

There are many choral groups and ensembles in our high school and I love being in all of them!  I end up with a jam packed schedule when you combine all of those groups with my volunteer singing of the National Anthem at different community events, Church choir and the School of Rock!!

The Madrigal Singers winter dinner theater production was in December. We get to wear MadrigalsIMG_0494[1]costumes from the 15th Cenury and put on a really cool show and interact with the dinner guests through serving them dinner, performaning and singing. The Madrigals get to perform all over the Community and even downtown Chicago!  

I also belong to the Vocal Jazz Ensemble – Intuition.  We entertained at special Spring Dinner/ Show at a local country club on March 22, 2014 to raise money for Lincoln -Way Central High School’s music program.

Jazz Intuition


At the end of April I will be singing one of the lead roles (Urleen) in Lincoln Way-Central rendition of the Broadway Production of Footloose. 

 Stayed tuned for more details!!!